Posts filed under ‘devotion’


After this weekend going horribly wrong in some ways and horribly right in others, I chucked it up to some sort of PMS. Although my PMS really should have been 2 weeks ago (which it was) and I should have started Thursday (and didn’t) PMS rulled my life this weekend. Then I wake up this morning with my devotion in my mailbox from Proverbs 31 Ministries

Basically the writer had the same problem that I did all weekend, and read a verse that basically told her to take her problems and hand them over to Jesus and walk away. Its like choosing to be well, instead of walking around grumpy. That is all it takes.

This weekend I eventually stopped pouting and thought to myself that if what I’m looking for happens, it will find me. I’m gonna stop looking. It was a light bulb moment. Wait for them to find you, and chase you down….lets see if it works. NO more calling, NO more emails, NO more text messages or IM’s. They send me something, sure I’ll be nice and reply, but that’s it. I deserve friends that deserve me. I deserve not to be left out of the loop until they decide to let me in. I can’t fix anyone that doesn’t want to be fixed…and they can only ask for advice and I can only give them advice, they have to follow it.

So far today I have my menu finished, dressed to shoes, shopping list ready, and gonna see what I need if anything to make Leanne’s Taco seasoning to keep on hand, instead of buying that stuff constantly. Kids will be fed well this week, if all goes to plan. PURPLE TEAM will rule!

By the way, I notice that I have people from all over the world that have checked out my blog. I was amazed. I just wish people would let me know that they are here. But then again, I do the same thing. I stalk the lady from Liquid Paper all the time…maybe I should let her know that! lol!

October 1, 2007 at 2:43 pm Leave a comment



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